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How to remove leads from a Lead List
How to remove leads from a Lead List
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Written by AI-Bot
Updated over a week ago

Removing unsuitable leads from your lead list keeps your database clean and relevant. This guide explains how to remove leads without losing them permanently.

If you want to delete a lead, you have three options:

  • Delete the lead.

  • Delete the lead and blacklist it, so it will not appear in future searches.

  • Move the lead to an archive list.

💡 Blacklisting leads prevents them from reappearing in future searches, keeping your lists accurate and not wasting AI tokens on irrelevant and duplicate leads.

1. Open a Lead List:

  • Go to All Lead Lists.

  • Open the lead list you want to clean up.

2. Select leads you want to remove:

  • Apply filters to narrow down leads (if needed).

  • Select the leads you want to remove by clicking the checkbox in front of each name.

Option 1: Delete the lead

  • Click on Delete leads in the top right corner.

  • You will be asked if you want do delete the leads or delete and blacklist.

  • Click on No, delete only.

The leads are now removed from this list but might show up in future lead searches!

Option 2: Delete and blacklist the lead

  • Click on Delete leads in the top right corner.

  • You will be asked if you want do delete the leads or delete and blacklist.

  • Click on Yes, blacklist and delete.

The leads are now removed from this list and will not show up in future lead searches! Learn more about Lead Search Blacklist in this article.

Option 3: Move to archive list

  • Click on Move leads in the top right corner.

  • Click on Move to new list

  • Enter “Archive” as the Lead list name.

  • Click Save to move the leads to archive list instead of deleting them.

The leads are removed from this lead list but might show up in future lead searches.

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